
Saturday, 27. July 2024

Terms of use
Data protection
Stellenanzeigen können bei den Servern der Arbeitgeber in XML Format von abgefragt werden.
Die Anfragen erfolgen dreimal täglich per HTTP oder HTTPS POST REQUEST an eine vom Arbeitgeber vordefinierte URL und Passwort.
Die Struktur des XML Dokuments ist im folgenden ersichtlich und kann mit der folgenden XSD Datei validiert werden.

Das Uploaden von Jobanzeigen via XML-Schnittstelle befindet sich noch in der Testphase.Nach der Testphase wird es in die AGBs als Upload-Option aufgenommen werden.Bis dahin können nur unter gegenseitigem Einvernehmen mit dem Interessenten Stellenanzeigen mit der XML-Schnittstelle hochgeladen werden.

Job Ads can be loaded by from the server of the Employers or Ordering Firms in XML Format.
The Queries take place three times in the day per HTTP or HTTPS POST REQUEST to a by the Ordering Firm predefined URL and Password.
The structure of the XML Document can be seen below und can be validated with the following XSD

The uploading of job advertisements via XML interface is still in the test phase. After the test phase, it will be included in the terms and conditions as an upload option. Until then, job advertisements with the XML interface can only be uploaded by mutual agreement with the interested party

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <passwordStatus>true</passwordStatus>                  <!-- String Value possible values true or false -->
    <id>12345</id>                                       <!-- String Value -->
	<status>active</status>                              <!-- String Value, possible values active or deactivated -->
	<ref_number>12345</ref_number>                       <!-- String Value -->
	<published_date>20.07.2018</published_date>          <!-- only accepted format -->
	<title><![CDATA[for example Truck
	Driver in Stuttgart]]></title>                       <!-- any HTML formated title,  allowed tags  see below -->
	<description><![CDATA[for example Truck
	Driver in Stuttgart with
	many years experience</h3>
	</description>                                       <!-- any HTML formated description, allowed tags  see below -->

    <language>de</language>                                <!-- international code of the job ad language -->
	<keywords>.....</keywords>                        <!-- comma separated keywords, to serve the search algorithm-->
	<location_postalcode>70173</location_postalcode>     <!-- String Value -->
	<location>Stuttgart</location>                       <!-- String Value -->
	<latitude>48.782706</latitude>                       <!-- Float Value -->
	<longitude>9.180674</longitude>                      <!-- Float Value -->
	<job_weblink>in case of redirection, 
	 URL of the Job </job_weblink>                       <!-- String Value -->
	<logo_weblink>URL Address
 	 of the logo</logo_weblink>                          <!-- String Value -->
      <company_name>company name</company_name>          <!-- String Value -->
      <postalcode>70173</postalcode>                     <!-- String Value -->
      <location>Stuttgart</location>                     <!-- String Value --> 
	  <!-- The firm data remain confidential
	  expect the contact data, so specify what
	  as contact data will be published -->
	  <contact><![CDATA[any contact data]]></contact>    <!-- any HTML formated Contact Data,  allowed tags  see below -->
  <!--  next jobs  -->



String Value, possible values true or false


String value intentifies a unique job-id inside the ordering firm


String Value, possible values active or deactivated


String Value


only accepted format


any HTML formated title, allowed tags: <br>,<br />,<b>,</b>,<i>,</i>,<ul>,</ul>,<ol>,</ol>,<li>,</li>,<p>,</p>,<h1>,</h1>,<h2>,</h2>,<h3>,</h3>,<h4>,</h4>,<h5>,</h5>,<h6>,</h6>


any HTML formated description including requirements, allowed tags: <br>,<br />,<b>,</b>,<i>,</i>,<ul>,</ul>,<ol>,</ol>,<li>,</li>,<p>,</p>,<h1>,</h1>,<h2>,</h2>,<h3>,</h3>,<h4>,</h4>,<h5>,</h5>,<h6>,</h6>


keywords, comma separated values to serve the search algorithm


Postalcode Workplace, String Value


Location Workplace, String Value


Latitude Workplace, Float Value


Longitude Workplace, Float Value


String Value, if a valid URL, the visitor of is redirected for more job details to that link clicking
on the search result, else must stands 'empty'


String Value


String Value


String Value


String Value


any HTML formated Contact Data, allowed tags: <br>,<br />,<b>,</b>,<i>,</i>,<ul>,</ul>,<ol>,</ol>,<li>,</li>,<p>,</p>,<h1>,</h1>,<h2>,</h2>,<h3>,</h3>,<h4>,</h4>,<h5>,</h5>,<h6>,</h6>

Each time is loaded the whole job details while the element status is set to 'active'
If the element status is set to 'deactivated' the following elements can be empty
but the previous id element must contain the job id for deactivation clarity.

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